Gooseberry Mesa, Utah (April 2010)

Milt, Joe and I went back up to the Mountain Biking Promised Land in April of this year, and found great scenery and good times. Trails visited this time around were: Gooseberry Mesa, Little Creek Mountain, and Guacamole Trail. As usual, the riding was stellar and good times were had by all.

Arizona Renaissance Faire 2009

Arizona Renaissance Faire, 2009. Cynthia, Rusty, Ali and Ben are cast members this year, and so we all went out to visit for the day. These are the captures for the day. Enjoy.

Mountain Bike Ride at Black Canyon Trail

Milt, Joe and I decided to go check out Black Canyon Trail recently. This is one seriously nice piece of work by the trail builders, and I'd like to give them many kudos. The trail is great fun, wandering through the hills around Black Canyon city, with water crossings and all. The linked video is footage I shot that day with my helmet camera. I hope you enjoy, please right-click the link and save-as rather than streaming it from where it sits. (The movie is Quicktime format, so you may need Quicktime to play it.)

BlackHawk Regiment at Disney Land

Recently the Blackhawk Regiment of Williamsfield High School played at Disney Land, they did a great job, and we are all very proud of them. There is a flash based album here: Flash Slideshow And for those who would like the ability to print the images, this zip file has them all: Downloadable Zip File

Ben Earns his Bobcat award at BoyScouts

October 30, 2007 Ben earned his Bobcat award at Scouts!

Uncle Louis' 90th Birthday Party

Uncle Louie's 90th in Albuquerque on 6 Oct, 2007.

Canyon de Chelly Jeep Trip

Canyon de Chelly trip in June 2007, with Jeep Jamboree USA